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Save the date for our next Open-Air Self-Care event!

Join us at the beautiful Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland on Thursday May 23, 2024 for a magical self-care experience.

Unwind amidst the tranquil beauty of the Oakland redwoods at our Open-Air Self-Care event. Join us for a rejuvenating Affirmations workshop with local self-care professional Kehinde Koyejo, as we embrace positivity and self-empowerment surrounded by nature’s serenity. All abilities / All ages / All welcome!

Our site location is near the parking lot at the Joaquin Miller Community Center, the site is called ‘Craib’. Please park in the free public parking lot or in the overflow lot. You will walk down and to the left out of the main parking lot into the park, the site location is on the right-hand side of the paved trail. Click here to view more location details here.

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